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Revealing the Link Between Transparency and Swiftness in Large-Scale Combat Operations: Valuable Lessons and Insights

In modern large-scale combat operations (LSCO), the ability to see the battlefield in real time and respond quickly to changes has become a critical success factor. Transparency — the capacity to obtain real-time situational awareness — and speed of response are deeply interconnected: transparency provides the data needed for informed decision-making, while speed ensures those decisions and actions are implemented effectively. The war in Ukraine has underscored this correlation, demonstrating that the ability to process and act on information rapidly can significantly influence military outcomes.

By examining historical and contemporary examples, we can gain valuable insights into how transparency and speed have shaped military operations. These insights offer critical lessons for enhancing our capabilities and effectiveness.

The Importance of Transparency in LSCO

Transparency in military operations means continuously observing and assessing the enemy's actions. This involves using intelligence data, uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAVs), satellites, and other tools to provide commanders with real-time information about every battlefield aspect.

  • Utilizing Intelligence and Technology: Modern technologies such as drones and satellites enable data collection on enemy troop movements, positions, and resources. This information can be quickly relayed to command centers for fast analysis and strategic use.

  • Network-Centric Warfare: Network-centric warfare models emphasize integrating data from various sources into a unified operational picture, providing higher transparency. The quicker information is transmitted and processed, the more adaptable and precise the command structure becomes, allowing forces to respond more effectively to dynamic combat conditions.

Speed as a Critical Factor in a High-Transparency Environment

The speed at which forces can respond to battlefield data becomes decisive. Information loses its value if it takes too long to act on it.

  • Rapid Decision-Making: Mobility and flexibility in command allow for swift decision-making based on transparent data. For example, in the Ukraine war, the military has shown that speed of response is crucial. Drones are used for real-time artillery adjustments, minimizing the time between target detection and strikes, thus maximizing effectiveness.

  • Mobility of Equipment and Flexible Logistics: Highly mobile systems, like the HIMARS rocket launchers used in Ukraine, enable forces to quickly reposition and adapt to changing battlefield conditions, making it difficult for the enemy to detect and target them.


Historical Lessons: How Transparency and Speed Have Influenced Military Operations

3.1 The Napoleonic Wars: Speed and Transparency in Maneuver Warfare

Battle of Austerlitz, François Gérard

During the Napoleonic Wars (1803–1815), transparency was achieved through scouts and spies, while rapid troop movements ensured speed. Napoleon demonstrated mastery of both factors at the Battle of Austerlitz (1805): he created the illusion of weakness to lure the enemy into a trap. He swiftly maneuvered his forces to deliver a decisive blow. The ability to gather intelligence and act quickly upon it was a cornerstone of his military strategy, leading to one of his most significant victories.

3.2 World War II: Technological Revolution in Intelligence and Speed of Decision-Making

Chain Home, AMES Type 1

World War II (1939–1945) saw significant technological advances in intelligence-gathering, such as radar and radio interception, which enhanced transparency. However, the success of operations depended on the speed at which this information could be utilized. In the Battle of Britain (1940), the Royal Air Force leveraged radar to detect incoming German aircraft and quickly directed fighters to intercept them, pivotal in repelling the German offensive. The rapid response enabled by transparent intelligence gathering was a decisive factor in the battle's outcome.

3.3 Operation "Desert Storm" (1991): Leveraging Transparency and Speed

EA-6B Prowlers of VAQ-130 refuelled by a KC-135 Stratotanker en-route to an attack during Operation DESERT STORM. (Source: NARA)

During Operation Desert Storm, coalition forces led by the United States used cutting-edge reconnaissance technologies and networked command systems to create a comprehensive picture of the battlefield. Data from drones, satellites, and signals intelligence allowed for quick and precise strikes on critical Iraqi infrastructure and troop positions with minimal delays. This operation demonstrated that transparency becomes a powerful tool only when paired with a rapid response capability, ensuring that information is acted upon before it becomes outdated.

Modern Examples: The War in Ukraine

The war in Ukraine underscores the crucial importance of transparency and speed:

  • Transparency and Constant Risk: The war in Ukraine exemplifies how modern battlefields have become increasingly transparent due to advances in reconnaissance technology like drones and satellite imagery. This constant visibility puts all forces at perpetual risk, as the enemy can quickly detect and target positions and movements. Both Ukrainian and Russian troops employ this visibility to their advantage, using drones and real-time intelligence to coordinate precision strikes on enemy positions, logistics depots, and artillery units. The availability of near-perfect information from drones and guided munitions allows for "one shot, one kill" tactics, significantly reducing the amount of ammunition needed to destroy targets compared to previous wars.​

  • Quick Response in Warfare: The Ukrainian military has demonstrated the critical importance of speed in response during its operations. Rapid artillery fire adjustment using UAVs allows for immediate adaptation to battlefield changes, enhancing the effectiveness of strikes. This speed is especially vital when dealing with fast-moving targets or when making rapid tactical adjustments in response to incoming threats, which is why quick decision-making and the ability to act on real-time intelligence are central to success.​

  • The Need for Speed and Training: Speed in military actions isn't just about technology; it's also about personnel skills and readiness. Ukrainian forces emphasize rigorous training and repeated exercises to ensure that troops can respond quickly and effectively in high-pressure situations. Training allows soldiers to become proficient with new technologies and tactics, enabling rapid adaptation on the battlefield. This is crucial in an environment where every second counts and the speed of execution can determine the outcome of engagements.​

  • Challenges with Improvised and Varied Equipment: The Ukrainian forces often use diverse solutions, such as makeshift control masts for small UAVs and homemade munitions. While this demonstrates adaptability, it can also hinder the speed and efficiency of operations due to such equipment's inconsistent quality and reliability. This creates a challenge for both troops in the field and military planners, who must account for the varying performance of different systems and the potential need for rapid repairs or replacements.​

  • Focus for Producers on Speed and Usability: Military technology developers should focus on creating effective technical solutions and ensuring that these solutions are designed for quick and easy use in the field. This includes developing lightweight, modular equipment that can be quickly deployed, configured and maintained. Technologies such as AI-driven decision-making tools, automated targeting systems, and equipment that support rapid adaptation are critical for maintaining speed and effectiveness under constantly changing conditions.​


Extracting Insights from the Link Between Transparency and Speed.

Developers of military technology and strategists can draw several vital lessons from the effective use of transparency and speed in both modern and historical conflicts:

  • Develop Lightweight, Mobile, and Modular Systems: Equipment that can be rapidly deployed and easily transported is essential for modern combat. This includes highly mobile artillery systems (such as HIMARS), configurable unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and modular communication systems that can adapt quickly to changing combat conditions. Developers should focus on creating systems that can be transported and deployed with minimal preparation time, enhancing the speed of response to gathered intelligence.

  • Integrate Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Automation for Rapid Decision-Making: To effectively leverage transparency, vast amounts of data must be quickly analyzed in real-time. Automation and AI can assist in processing data and suggesting potential actions much faster than human operators. For example, integrating AI into fire control systems enables rapid target identification and strike coordination, significantly accelerating the response to battlefield changes."

  • Military equipment and strategies must be adaptable to rapidly changing battlefield conditions to keep up with the fast-changing tactical demands and enemy technologies in modern combat. This means they should be capable of rapid software updates, module changes, component replacement, and tactical adjustments based on new intelligence about the enemy. Developers should focus on creating modular and customizable platforms that can be easily modified to meet new combat requirements.


Remember the following text:

Constant Training and Repetition: Key Factors for Ensuring Speed and Readiness

Training and constant repetition are crucial elements that enable forces to act swiftly and efficiently in highly transparent and rapidly changing operational environments. When every second counts, regular practice and readiness for immediate action determine how effectively technologies and tactics are applied on the battlefield.

  • Training and Repetition for Quick Adaptation: In military conflicts continuous training and frequent exercises allow forces to adapt to rapidly evolving situations. The war in Ukraine conducts regular drills and exercises to develop quick reaction skills and proper use of new technologies, such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and precision artillery systems. Repeated training and scenario-based simulations enable soldiers to understand their roles and responsibilities better, ensuring maximum effectiveness and minimal losses in actual combat situations.

  • Enhancing Effectiveness Through Regular Drills: Repetition and ongoing training improve physical skills and build mental readiness. This is particularly critical for equipment operators and artillery crews, where even a minor mistake in calculations or actions can be fatal. Ukrainian forces frequently face situations that require immediate decision-making, and regular training helps reduce reaction times and increase the precision of actions.

  • Using Simulations and Drills to Prepare for Real Conditions: The Ukrainian military actively employs simulations and field exercises to replicate actual combat conditions closely. This includes modeling unexpected scenarios that may arise on the battlefield, such as sudden attacks, changes in enemy positioning, or rapidly changing weather conditions. Such training prepares troops to adapt to changes and reduces the likelihood of mistakes in real situations.

Transparency and speed are critical to the success of modern military conflicts. Historical examples like the Napoleonic Wars, World War II, and Operation Desert Storm illustrate that information only becomes decisive when used quickly and effectively. The experience gained from the war in Ukraine confirms that transparency and speed should be complementary elements.

While transparency provides the situational awareness necessary for informed decision-making, speed ensures that these decisions are implemented before conditions change. MOWA, with its unique experience in LSCO, offers valuable insights and recommendations to military technology developers and strategists worldwide, helping them design solutions that guarantee maximum operational effectiveness amid rapid changes and high transparency on the battlefield.


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